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Kevin is one of the founding members of N.U.E.T and has been performing in some capacity for more than  Fifteen years .  For several years he was involved with a stage combat team doing live sword combat at the Michigan Renaissance Festival.  With Kevin's performance experience, he quickly became N.U.E.T's character development expert.




Alex joined N.U.E.T soon after its founding at the scout camp.  His performance career was mostly limited to the scout camp but he has always loved to entertain and make people laugh.  Alex's specialty for the team is in costume and prop creation.  As of right now his costume creations have won nine    costume contests with several of them being Best of Show.  For the past several years he has been doing panels on costume creation at local fan conventions.




Justin was also one of the founding  members and has been performing to make people laugh for most of his life.  His career in the scouts lead him to be the teams expert in performing.  He has done everything from formal ceremonies to a complete recreation of a scene from the movie "The Blues Brothers". 




Andrew is the newest member of N.U.E.T having only joined the team in 2016.  In the past he has worked as a theater tech and has participated in performance workshops including one on "Lightsaber Combat".  With over a dozen years of work experience at a Scout Camp he is a perfect addition to the team. 




Jessica became involved with n.u.e.t. several years ago.  though she does not have a large "stage" part with the team, Jessica quickly became the teams public relations and communications guru. when the events we do involve coordinating with another group such as a convention, Jessica takes the lead.

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